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How to use V.S Code like a pro?

This is a Kick Starter for all the newbies who would like to use V.S Code like a pro, also to all those experienced developers to increase their productivity.So I will divide this post into what I call segments, continue reading down to get more info.

What is Function Overiding Problem in C++ and how to Solve?

First Let Us Understand what is function overriding problem.Inheritance in C++ Inheritance allows software developers to derive a new class from the existing class. The derived class inherits features of the base class (existing class).

Lets Take Jump With Goto Statement

This article will be beneficial for the rookies and will be a sure concept booster if you are encountering with goto statement first time.

Taking Control with Switch Statement

This is gonna be a good read if you have just started coding recently or are not much familiar with switch Statement.This would be concept booster for your switch statement knowledge.