How to use V.S Code like a pro?

How to use V.S Code like a pro?
This is a Kick Starter for all the newbies who would like to use V.S Code like a pro, also to all those experienced developers to increase their productivity.
So I will divide this post into what I call segments, continue reading down to get more info.
1. How to open vs code easily and managing efficient workflow?
As u can see the easiest way to open VS Code to your projects’ directory is via
Just go to the projects directory via* cd command* and type in** code .. **So this will open up the project folder inside V.S code.
$ code ..
Another ninja technique is for all the terminal lovers like me who like to open files via terminal. So there is a way to open files directly inside vs code all via terminal and here is how u do it!
$ code file_name.extension
By this, u can directly open files via command line.
Another hack is to compare the code of 2 files directly and all via command
Here is how u do it…..
This Compares the code of both files and shows u whats different in both of them.
$ code folder_name file1_name.extension file2_name.extension
So this was all about terminal hacks for vs code. Now let’s move on sailor!!
2. Extensions + VS Code = ❤️
So what are the extensions which u should start using now and boost your code workflow?
So here is a curated list of all the productive extension to boost your coding performance.
1. Code Snippets and Boilerplate
- Angular 7 Snippets
There are snippets extensions for say for each Framework and language out there! Here are quite a few notables.
Angular 7 Snippets
Here is how it works -:
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install Mikael.Angular-BeastCode
- ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
All the code snippets for React, Redux , GraphQL,React-Native
For the usage, u can get the details from their extension page.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets
3. React js Snippet
The demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install xabikos.ReactSnippets
4. Html Snippets
Easy code snippets for HTML.
The demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install abusaidm.html-snippets
5. C/C++ Code Snippets
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install hars.CppSnippets
So those were some few notables code snippets but u can find snippets for any language or framework out there, JUST SEARCH IT ON!
2. Code Runner
Code runner allows u to run code of many popular languages such as **C, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Perl 6, Ruby, Go, Lua, Groovy, PowerShell, BAT/CMD, BASH/SH, F# Script, F# (.NET Core), C# Script, C# (.NET Core), VBScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Scala, Swift, Julia, Crystal, OCaml Script, R, AppleScript, Elixir, Visual Basic .NET, Clojure, Haxe, Objective-C, Rust, Racket, AutoHotkey, AutoIt, Kotlin, Dart, Free Pascal, Haskell, Nim, D.U can run code by clicking here **👇
Clicking here will compile your code and will run the program.
Or u can try to add a hotkey for the same but I will come to that part later in my hotkeys segment.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install formulahendry.code-runner
3. Firebase Explorer
So here is a quite handy extension to open your firebase projects right in V.S code.
Here is how it looks.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install jsayol.firebase-explorer
4. Markdown Preview Enhanced
Preview markdown right inside VS code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
5. Git Lens
GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. It helps you to visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, **seamlessly navigate and explore **Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install eamodio.gitlens
6. Prettier — Code formatter
Prettier formats all JavaScript / TypeScript / CSS easily using Keyboard shortcuts which can be founded out on its extensions page.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode
How about making your JS code error-free and bug-free if u are using es lint in your java scripts components then you need this ES lint extension.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
8. Debugger for Chrome
Debug your JavaScript code in the Chrome browser or any other target that supports the Chrome Debugger protocol.
The demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome
9. Live Share
Live share is the best group project extension so far. Live share allows to edit anyone’s code remotely in real time. It’s the google docs of VS code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare
You also would want to install the VS Live Share Extension Pack for enabling the integrated voice calling feature.
VS Live Share Extension Pack
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare-pack
10. Bracket Pair Colorizers
Another cool and handy extension is Bracket Pair Colorizer. It allows us to colorize brackets to easily differentiate and identify the code blocks.
Here is how it looks.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer
11. Java Extension pack
If you are a Java developer like me then u are gonna love this extension.
This extension include -:
📦 Language Support for Java™ by Red Hat
Debugger for Java
📦 Java Test Runner
📦 Maven Project Explorer
Java Dependency Viewer
Which are the all u need for compiling and running java files.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install vscjava.vscode-java-pack
12. Auto Close Tag
This is a must-have web dev extension. It auto closes open tags of HTML,XML, PHP, Vue, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, TSX languages.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install
13. Auto Rename Tag
Auto rename paired HTML/XML tags. Check demo for more info.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install
14. Live Server
How about an extension which shows you the real-time output of your web projects on your favorite browser. Well, live server gives you the power to do that.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install ritwickdey.LiveServer
15. Code Spell Checker
Real-Time Spell checker of your code for all the variable spell check and function spell checker.
The Demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
16. Arduino
How about I tell you that there is an extension for coding, deploying and debugging all the Arduino programs right from vs code! Well here is such extension.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino
17. CMake Tools
Powerful extension for managing all builds for the c-make file and required
C-make tools.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install vector-of-bool.cmake-tools
18. Flutter
If you are in native app development and don’t want to leave VS code than these an extension you all are gonna love. Check out the demo for more info.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install Dart-Code.flutter
You will also dart extension for this so here it is.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install Dart-Code.dart-code
19. vs code-pdf
This extension allows us to directly view pdf files in VS Code.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install tomoki1207.pdf
20. vscode-spotify
How about running Spotify right from VS code. Well, that’s what this extension does!
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install shyykoserhiy.vscode-spotify
21. GitHub Pull Requests
This extension allows you to review and manage GitHub pull requests in Visual Studio Code. Easily create and deal all the pull requests from VS Code GUI!
The Demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github
22. Settings Sync
Well if you are a distro hopper or have multiple machines to work upon but enabling the customizations and tweaks of vs code on all machines are a hassle? then there is extension known as Settings Sync which saves all the extensions you downloaded, all your settings, all your color themes also all your custom changed key bindings to the cloud so that u don’t need to do the process of applying all settings again on different machines. Just download ur settings from the cloud via this extension and you are done!
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install Shan.code-settings-sync
23. Power Mode
This is an attractive, fun to use extension which will make your coding experience more pleasant and fancy.
This is how it looks.
There are also many variants to try in it.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install hoovercj.vscode-power-mode
24. Team Chat: for Slack, Discord, Live Share
How about slack discord and Live share conversation right into vs code. With this extension, u can!
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install
Mark lines and jumps to them.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install alefragnani.Bookmarks
26. Git History
View git log, file or line History.
The demo is here.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install donjayamanne.githistory
27. Kanban
If u have worked with making to-dos with kanban u know how awesome it is. But if u haven’t well kanban is a to-do creating website which creates awesome formatted to-do and much more. But how about I say kanban in vs code!
Check demo for more info.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install mkloubert.vscode-kanban
28. carbon-now-sh
How about showcasing segment of your code, what we do generally is screenshot the segment of the code and share them well that’s old school now try out carbon-now-sh, here is it how!
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install ericadamski.carbon-now-sh
29. Polacode
If u still need to take a screenshot of your code then here is a modern approach!
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install pnp.polacode
30. Intellisense
Lastly are all the intellisense extensions which will give you wide language support such as syntax highlighting, code autocomplete, snippet support and much more. Here are a few to consider.
These are the intellisense of all programing language. U can download for the one you needed by writing the programing language name and then intellisense.
31. Customization- Themes & Icon packs
Well first take a look at what VS code has to first offer by default in the name of customization and themes.
U can view them by opening command palette by:-
ctrl + shift + p or cmd + shift + p
By default, many themes are there which totally awesome!!
and then type in themes as shown in above.
But say you are tired of the built-in themes an want to try out something cool and more productive. So here are a few ones to try it out.
I have collected from multiple sources the best color themes and here is a short and sweet list of the best themes. Also, I will add the links to the sources down below if you want to see them in detail.
1. Themes
1. AndromedaThis particular theme is one hell of a gem. If you’re a sucker of dark themes, I’m sure you’ll love this one. A very subtle amount of colors, easy on eyes and supporting most languages. Definitely, check it out.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install EliverLara.andromeda
- Shades of purple
⚡ A professional theme with hand-picked & bold shades of purple to go along with your VS Code. A custom VS Code theme with style
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install ahmadawais.shades-of-purple
3. Material theme
The most awesome material theme for vs code .
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme
4. Dracula
Every dark theme list is incomplete without mentioning Darcula theme. Enough said! It’s THE best dark theme out there. Period. The fact that this theme is available not only for VS Code but for other editors as well makes it a goto theme for dark theme enthusiasts for their streamlined workflows.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install dracula-theme.theme-dracula
5. Atom one dark theme
If you migrated from atom to vs code but loved the looks of atom here is a theme for you.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install akamud.vscode-theme-onedark
6. Cobalt2 Theme Official by Wes Bos
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install wesbos.theme-cobalt2
7. Night owl Theme
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install sdras.night-owl
8. Nord by arcticicestudio
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install arcticicestudio.nord-visual-studio-code
- Mno by u29dcMinimal monochrome theme.
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install u29dc.mno
10. Best light theme bluloco-light
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install uloco.theme-bluloco-light
2. Icon Packs
- City Lights Icons
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install
2. VS Code Icons
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install robertohuertasm.vscode-icons
3.Seti Icons
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install qinjia.seti-icons
4. Material Icons
Launch VS Code Quick Open (
), paste the following command, and press enter
ext install PKief.material-icon-theme
3. Shortcuts and Hot Keys.
So let’s see what we got here.
VS code is all about shortcuts here we have
the shortcut to open files directly, u have direct access to open files and
close, we have shortcuts open Command Palette, shortcut to go in zen mode etc
- Command Palette
Access all available commands based on your current context.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P
2. Default keyboard shortcuts
All of the commands are in the Command Palette with the associated key binding (if it exists). If you forget a keyboard shortcut, use the Command Palette to help you out.
3. Keyboard reference sheets
Download the keyboard shortcut reference sheet for your platform (macOS, Windows, Linux).
4. Quick Open
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+P
5. Errors and warnings
Quickly jump to errors and warnings in the project.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M
Cycle through errors with: F8 or Shift+F8
6. Split Views
If you have a very big code and you want to compare segments of same
side by side well you can- Just press shortcut ctrl + \
7. Side bars
Press ctrl + b
to open and close side bars
8. Zen mode
U can enter in zen mode by pressing ctrl + z
Sometimes its set to something else just search zen mode in key preferences and you will get the key binds.
9.** Type same lines with writing once!**
This a handy shortcut which might help us many times.
u can press shift + alt + up / down
10. Find in all files
Find in all files allows you to search the code in all files. And also you can
always press ctrl + f
to find in selected files.
u can press ctrl + shift + f
So that was all the required default keyboard shortcuts. But if you would additionally want your custom shortcuts created, you can and here is how?
This will open up a tab showing all the shortcuts with what action they perform and you can then either search for a specific action and then change it.
Like for example I have a shortcut for extension code runner and the shortcut is
for compiling code by just pressing alt + shift + r
and it compiles the code
and displays the output.
As soon as I press Alt + shift + r the code gets compiled. [ Custom key binds ]
Moreover, I have also set up the following key binds u can download the keybinds.json file .
There are key binds for git commit +git push + git pull; also to create a new file ; new folder …
4. Using VS Code Functionalities
- Rename All OccurrencesIf you select a variable/method and hit F2, you can edit the name and it will change every instance of that variable’s name throughout the entire current working project.
If you only want to change within the current file, use the Command + F2 (on Mac) or **Ctrl + F2 (on Windows) **keyboard shortcut and VS Code will spawn a cursor at every instance throughout the current file.
2. Go to Definition
You could spend several minutes searching for the right file, or you could press Command (on Mac) or Ctrl (on Windows) key and click the variable/method with your mouse. VS Code will take you to it’s definition right away.
Or you could just hover your cursor over the variable/method along with pressing the Command (on Mac) or Ctrl (on Windows) key, it will shows you the definition right in line where your cursor is.
3. Edit Multiple Lines at once
f you ever need to insert or delete multiple instances of text throughout a document, all you have to do is create multiple cursors. You can do this by holding down **Option (on Mac) or Alt (on Windows) **and clicking anywhere in the text. Every click creates a new cursor.
This is particularly useful for things like HTML, where you might want to add many instances of the same class or change the format of several hyperlinks.
4. Debugger
The debugger deserves a video all to iteself — thankfully, VS Code has already made one of those.
5. Peek Types and Show References
Not sure what some class or interface is all about? You can find the peek types option by highlighting and right-clicking an interface.
If you happen to be looking at an interface and want to know where it is being used, do the same thing, but click on show references. This will provide you with a list of all files using that code.
6. Multi cursor selection
Mac: opt+cmd+up or opt+cmd+down
Windows: ctrl+alt+up or ctrl+alt+down
Linux: alt+shift+up or alt+shift+down
Add more cursors to current selection.
7. Join line
Mac: ctrl+j
Windows / Linux: Not bound by default. Open Keyboard Shortcuts and bind
to a shortcut of your choice.
8. Navigate to a specific line
Mac: ctrl+g or cmd+p, :
Windows / Linux: ctrl+g
9. Move line up and down
Mac: opt+up or opt+down
Windows / Linux: alt+up or alt+down
10. Whole document format
Windows / Linux: shift+alt+f
11. Find All References
Select a symbol then type shift+f12. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.
12. Rename Symbol
Select a symbol then type f2. Alternatively, you can use the context menu.
5. Tweaking Vs Code — settings.json
Well, you can do multiple things via editing settings.json file but make sure what you are doing. You can set compiler paths for programming languages, you can edit workspace settings, you can also edit font family, font colors, lint settings and much more.
Here is how you can open settings.json file
Settings File Locations
- Windows
- Mac
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json
- Linux
The menu command File > Preferences > Settings (Code >
Preferences > Settings on Mac) provides entry to configure user and
workspace settings. You are provided with a list of Default Settings. Copy any
setting that you want to change to the appropriate settings.json
file. The
tabs on the right let you switch quickly between the user and workspace settings
You can also open the user and workspace settings from the Command
) with Preferences: Open User
Settings and Preferences: Open Workspace Settings or use the keyboard
shortcut (kb(workbench.action.openGlobalSettings)
In the example below, we disabled line numbers in the editor and configured line wrapping to wrap automatically based on the size of the editor.
Changes to settings are reloaded by VS Code after the modified settings.json
file is saved.
Note:* Workspace settings are useful for sharing project specific settings across a team.*
This was some basic info about settings.json file, you can find detailed info here :-
Conclusion: Visual Studio Code can do that -:
Visual Studio Code is a good Editor, that can adapt to many languages and
technologies out there, and discovering these little helpers can sometimes take
I hope my post can help you increase your productivity and help you
boost your coding skills.
NOTE: If i had missed anything pls free to comment down below
Thanks for reading! If you find this helpful don’t forget to leave some claps
👏🏻 and don’t forget to share this with your friends and followers! If you have some tips regarding VS Code, feel free to comment or you can tweet to me at as well- jainal_gosaliya